Strain details
Name | Provider name | Provider's strain ID | Genotypes | Phenotypes | Synonym | Comments | Based on |
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Projects: CRC1002: Modulatory Units in Heart Failure, TRR 274: Checkpoints of Central Nervous System Recovery, SFB 1190: Compartmental Gates and Contact Sites in Cells
Web page: Not specified
Programme: Cluster of Excellence
Public web page:
Organisms: Human, Mouse, Rat, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast) (Research Data Platform) (DFG Gepris entry) The central nervous system (CNS) is a terminally differentiated tissue, where any insult carries a heightened risk - yet the tissue response to these insults is variable and can range from irreversible destruction to almost complete recovery. The rules that instruct these divergent outcomes are still unknown. The aim of this CRC is therefore to understand the biology of the multicellular ...
Programme: Sonderforschungsbereiche/Collaborative Research Centers
Public web page: