Sonderforschungsbereiche/Collaborative Research Centers16
Other research project backgrounds6
Default programme - for test purposes5
Cluster of Excellence4
CRC1002: Modulatory Units in Heart Failure11
TRR 274: Checkpoints of Central Nervous System Recovery7
Default Project - for test purposes4
Cardiomyocyte tissues4
SFB 1190: Compartmental Gates and Contact Sites in Cells4
MBExC: Multiscale Bioimaging4
12 months EHM project (Dittrich, Zimmermann)3
CRC 1565: Molecular mechanisms and interplay of gene expression processes3
TAVI test project2
People found
Projects: Default Project - for test purposes
Institutions: Default Institution
I am a Ph.D. student in the group of Dr. Laura Zelarayan at the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology (UMG). I am working to decipher the transcription factors (TF) involved in the transition to heart failure using a murine model. For that, I am analyzing Single-Cell RNAseq and RNAseq data to find the most critical genes implied in regulating this pathological remodeling. Afterward, an inference based on the transcriptome signature would suggest TF targets. Those targets would be confirmed via ...