Technology type 'Sequencing'

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2 Assays visible to you, out of a total of 8

Activation of the evolutionarily conserved, developmental Wnt pathway has been reported during maladaptive cardiac remodeling. Although the function of Wnt-transcriptional activation in development is well described, the consequences of Wnt pathway activation, as well as its cardiac-specific regulatory role in the adult heart, is largely unknown. We show that β-catenin and Transcription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2), the main nuclear components of the Wnt-transcriptional cascade, and their transcriptional ...

Summary: Activation of the evolutionarily conserved, developmental Wnt pathway has been reported during maladaptive cardiac remodeling. Although the function of Wnt-transcriptional activation in development is well described, the consequences of Wnt pathway activation, as well as its cardiac-specific regulatory role in the adult heart, is largely unknown. We show that β-catenin and Transcription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2), the main nuclear components of the Wnt-transcriptional cascade, and their ...

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